Saturday 10 September 2011

Supercool: The Jeff Beck Group

El Becko


Tarkus said...

Credo che soltanto il Capitano possa aiutarmi, due domande:
* Dov'è Ronnie?
* Chi è il personaggio col cappello che lo sostituisce?

Roadrunner said...

Aynsley Dunbar

Tarkus said...

Aynsley Dunbar with Micky Waller? Two drummers without the bass?
Is a strange thing...
(thank you)

Roadrunner said...

The guy on the left is bassist Junior Woods who Jeff hired to replace the recently fired Ron Wood. Junior's first gig with The JBG at the Alexandria Roller Rink in Alexandria, VA, just outside Washington, DC, was disastrous and he was fired that night. Beck called Woody to rejoin the group, and Woody did come back, but with conditions which Beck and Grant had to getting paid at the end of each gig and a huge amount for playing each gig.